Release – With the button through the wall

In Release perhaps some questions, as the game does that mean, the released because (released) has been. but the game is really so and the name is well chosen, because it is exactly the gameplay again:
With the fire button, the player controls his destructive weapon and tried, fend off the approaching attacker. Pressing the fire button, the player sends the weapon, an ever increasing five-, six, seven- or octagon going. releasing (engl. “release”) the player fires the weapon and all opponents, which are located just on the lines of the polygon, are destroyed.

Playing alone with the fire button restricts the player strongly in the possibilities of a, But the very fact will release a very exciting and thrilling game, which is a graph showing an Augenschmaus. The German author, under the pseudonym “family” developed, is none other than Christopher Salomon, since the 1998 has developed for the Vectrex and now develops the development environment Vide and now release after a long pause. More information and the binary to download and try it gives up Christopher's website. Thank you very much, Christopher, for the great release!

2 thoughts on “Release – With the button through the wall

  1. Thanks for the mention of the game on your side… I know it's not really “Yours” :-).

    The next match will have a more sophisticated control – promised!

  2. Oh, Visit of Mr. Salomon personally! 🙂 Mit der Steuerung hast du recht, I like it just better if I have a complicated control. But I am sure, that release a lot of fun and is gripping.

    So are you up to, to develop further Vectrex games?! Very good, I'm looking forward! 🙂

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